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The annual day of giving began in 2012 following two major consumption days in the U.S., Black Friday and Cyber Monday, as a way to honor the value of generosity. It has since grown to a year-round movement officially celebrated across more than 85 countries.

Giving Tuesday gets bigger every year. In 2021, Giving Tuesday generated over $2.7 billion in donations from over 35 million participants.

Giving Tuesday revolves around the power of “radical generosity,” the concept that others’ suffering should be as intolerable to people as their own suffering, according to its website.

How to participate in Giving Tuesday

For those not sure where to start, Giving Tuesday organizers often post ideas on how to get involved on their websites and social media. The organization shared a list of 50 ways to give kindness via Instagram, which included:

  • Paying for the coffee of someone behind you in line
  • Beautifying a neighborhood corner by planting flowers
  • Donating old laptops to a STEM school or nonprofit
  • Picking up trash around the neighborhood
  • Leaving quarters at the laundromat

#GivingTuesdayMilitary is challenging military members, families, veterans and supporters to share 1 million acts of intentional kindness.

Supporting Local Nonprofits

Many nonprofit organizations offer special opportunities during Giving Tuesday such as using grant dollars to match donations received. It is a great way to make your donation go further making a bigger impact. Additionally, if you do not have a specific cause that you are passionate about there are organizations that aid in distributing donations to nonprofits in need in South Dakota, some include:

South Dakota Gives – https://www.southdakotagives.org/

United Way of the Black Hills – https://www.unitedwayblackhills.org/

Black Hills Area Community Foundation- https://www.bhacf.org/

South Dakota Community Foundation – https://www.sdcommunityfoundation.org/

Giving Tuesday is significant for various reasons

  • It can serve as a reminder to anyone who has been shown kindness by someone else.
  • It serves as an opportunity for us to express care for one another, our neighbors and our own community.
  • It can also be a way of magnifying the joy of the season.
  • Investing time in a few generous acts can leave a “profound” impact on those who give, like feeling happier, healthier and more connected to their community.

