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Want to volunteer and make a difference in your community and credit union?

Sentinel Federal Credit Union, a member owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative dedicated to serving its communities, invites you to apply for a position on the Board of Directors or the Supervisory Committee.

The Supervisory Committee is responsible for ensuring the Board of Directors and management of the Credit Union meet required financial reporting objectives and establish practices and procedures sufficient to safeguard members’ assets. The Committee ensures Sentinel FCU’s accounting records and financial reports are promptly prepared and accurately reflect operations. These reports need to confirm policies and control procedures are sufficiently safeguarded against error, conflict of interest, self-dealing, and fraud. To assist in performing the responsibilities, the Committee supervises clerical and auditing personnel.

We are seeking applicants with strong leadership skills as well as business skills in either audit, risk management, business finance, and/or legal compliance. Committee candidates must have the ability to understand and analyze financial statements, communicate with audit personnel regarding the audit function, and express opinions succinctly. An effective Board or Committee member must have a passion for learning about the ever-changing financial institution industry.

Each position will provide a valuable opportunity to play an integral oversight role at Sentinel FCU, which means there will be a time commitment of approximately 5-10 hours per month. Elected persons will be responsible for attending regular Supervisory Committee meetings, monthly Board of Director’s meetings, periodically attending Sentinel FCU’s events, and completing continuing education requirements depending on selected position.

Over the last 67 years, we have aspired to grow with our communities and protect the financial future of our members. Just like a sentinel. Our story is one of shared values and shared community spirit. We welcome you to come be part of what it means to belong at SFCU.

To be considered for a Board Member or Supervisory Committee position, the candidate must, in addition to the understanding noted above:

  • Be a member of Sentinel Federal Credit Union, or willing, able and qualify to become a member.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Not be a current or past (over the previous three years) Sentinel Federal Credit Union employee or employee family member.

To apply, fill out the application provided. 



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