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At Sentinel FCU, we want you to know that you are not alone in dealing with the after-effects of a natural disaster. We realize the difficulties many of our members are experiencing and want to help. 

To help our members that reside in both Hurricane Ida declared disaster areas as well as California, we are offering a Disaster Relief Loan. 

Sentinel FCU’s Disaster Relief Loan offers you an easy way to apply for additional funds to help you manage your finances during these difficult times:

  • No collateral required
  • Fixed rate of only 1.00% APR*
  • 18-month term
  • Loan amount of up to $5,000

If you are struggling after Hurricane Ida or from the devastating fires in California, our Disaster Relief Loan can help get you back on track. 

 Plus, we are offering additional options to help during this time: 

  • You can Skip A Payment on your qualifying loans with no fees
  • Or talk to us about extending your next loan payment

 Have questions? 

Our Lending Team is here to help and discuss all your financial options. Give us a call at 888-923-1400.

Not sure if you’re in a declared disaster area? 

Visit FEMA’s website for the declared Hurricane Ida states.

To all our members impacted by the recent hurricane and wildfires, we’re thinking of you. 

 *APR = Annual Percentage Rate.  18 monthly payments of $297.98 per $5,000 borrowed. Federally insured by NCUA. 
