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Our debit card and credit card processing system will be upgraded on Mon., Feb. 8, 2021, beginning at 3 a.m. MT and ending at 8 a.m. MT.

After the upgrade, please use the new phone numbers below to manage and protect your Sentinel debit card and credit card.


  • Report Lost or Stolen Card or Fraud – After Business Hours: 888-297-3416
  • Get Assistance with Your Cards – After Business Hours: 800-547-3556
  • Activate Your Card: 800-290-7893
  • Change Your PIN: If you forgot your PIN or would like a new PIN, you can give us a call at 605-923-1405 or 888-923-1400 during normal business hours.
  • Extra Awards Redemption Center and Support: 855-854-5493
Also, remember you can manage your cards from our Mobile App using the “Manage My Cards” feature which allows you to lock and unlock your cards at any time, for any reason. Download our app from the App Store and on Google Play.
