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By Keith Robbennolt
President & Chief Executive Officer

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned Sentinel Federal Credit Union, and the whole world for that matter, upside down. We found ourselves in a near constant state of flux as we adapted to the ever-changing winds of the pandemic. I am so very proud of the Sentinel team, and grateful to our members for their dedication and understanding during these turbulent times.

Like most financial institutions and other businesses, we had to close our lobbies for the safety and protection of our staff and members. While our lobbies were closed, the resiliency of our team and members shined, as we all learned new ways to interact with the Credit Union. Through the use of our convenient drive-up tellers, Online Banking and Mobile Banking App, we have been able to deliver the same quality service our members expect from our team.

Our branch lobbies are now open. We have taken several precautionary measures to ensure the safety of everyone in our branches while we continue to deliver necessary services to our members.

  • We still encourage you to take advantage of our convenient drive-up tellers, our Mobile Banking App and Online Banking services.
  • Facemasks are encouraged for in-person lobby transactions.
  • Protective acrylic shields are in place at all teller workstations, with additional shields available for our lending staff.
  • The number of people in each branch is being monitored and regulated to abide by CDC guidance.
  • Social distancing is encouraged, and each branch has markers to designate the 6 feet social distancing guidance.
  • We are cleaning shared surfaces after each interaction.
  • All branches are receiving additional cleaning.
  • Appointments for lobby visits are still encouraged and can be made by calling 605-923-1405.

We remain committed to the health and safety of our members and staff and we continue to monitor the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. We will continue to keep you updated with any changes.

If you are experiencing a financial hardship due to COVID-19, we are here for you. Give us a call at 605-923-1405 and a Financial Services Officer will work with you to see if you qualify for an extension on your existing loan.

Remember, your funds are safe, and we want to keep you and our staff safe. You can feel secure knowing that your Credit Union continues to remain safe, secure, and financially strong. This is our top priority.

I want to personally thank each of you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate through the uncharted waters COVID-19 has presented thus far.

We appreciate your valuable membership.
