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Mega e-tailers, like Amazon and Walmart, may monopolize online commerce, but it’s small businesses across the country that keep the economy going. Small businesses create jobs, build a demand for locally made products and keep communities thriving.

There are many benefits of shopping local. Local small businesses are part of the community landscape. That’s where you rub shoulders with your neighbors, where you catch the latest town news and where you’re always greeted with a warm smile. At a local small business, you’re more apt to receive superior service and the gratification that comes from knowing you’re supporting your community’s economy.

Here at Sentinel Federal Credit Union, we strongly believe in supporting the community and helping local businesses flourish. Join us in this important goal by shopping Small Business Saturday on November 27, 2021 and throughout the holiday season.

Here are our top 8 benefits of shopping local:  

1. Help create jobs in your community

The money you spend at local retailers goes back into your community. When you support these small businesses, you enable them to grow and hire more workers, thus creating more jobs and helping the local economy thrive.

2. Keep your tax dollars in the community

Why pay to support public services in a town across the country? Let your tax dollars serve your own community by shopping local small businesses.

When you spend your money at local retailers, money will be reinvested in your community in the form of better schools, libraries and parks.

3. Support the American Dream

Keep the spirit of prosperity alive by supporting the American Dream: Anyone can start a business and work to keep it thriving. When you shop local, you’re showing support for the entrepreneurs in your community who have been brave enough to strike out on their own.

4. Small businesses give back to the community

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 75 percent of small businesses donate to charities. Whether it’s a contracting company that sponsors a Little League team or a café that hosts an open mike night to raise money for the local soup kitchen, small businesses play a large part in supporting community causes and charities.

5. Celebrate your community

Shopping Small Business Saturday celebrates your community. Spend an afternoon browsing the local shops and talking with customers and small business owners. Ask about their family members, chat about the weather and revisit all your favorite local hotspots. You’ll reconnect with your community, support its businesses and rediscover what makes it thrive.

6. Find unique gifts

Skip the mass-produced items at chain stores this holiday season. You’ll find gifts for everyone on your list at local stores. You’ll be rewarded with an array of truly unique and durable items that will make the perfect gifts for your family and friends.

7. Help keep your community interesting

Imagine your community with no small businesses, only franchise stores from major retailers and restaurants. How boring would that be? Sure, we need those mainstream retailers, and everyone likes a fast food chain now and then, but it’s small businesses that keep the community vibrant and colorful. 

You wouldn’t want any of the charming little stores that dot your town’s landscape to be forced to close due to a lack of business. These stores rely on your patronage! Shop local to help keep those mom-and-pop shops thriving.

8. Explore new retailers and restaurants

Shopping Small Business Saturday gives you a reason to try visit all those places you’ve been meaning to get to. Give that new pizza place a try, sample the lattes at the small coffee joint that just opened its doors and browse through the merchandise at the quaint costume jewelry store you’ve been wanting to check out since its grand opening. It’s a fun way to kick off your holiday shopping!

As you can see, there are many benefits of shopping local this Small Business Saturday and throughout the holiday season. Give back to the community you love. You’ll be glad you did!

Sentinel Federal Credit Union supports small businesses.  

Are you a small business owner? We want to help keep your company thriving! Give us a call or stop by Sentinel Federal Credit Union today to ask about our business loans and business services that can help your business grow.
