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Join Sentinel FCU Executives, employees, Board members and Supervisory Committee members for your 66th Annual Meeting on Monday, May 24th beginning at 5:00 PM (MST) at the Triple Crown Branch located at 4011 Triple Crown Drive in Rapid City, SD.
The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to address member-owners with annual reports of Officers and Committees, discuss timely updates, share the strategic plan for the year ahead as well as elect three (3) Directors to serve for the period of three (3) years.
The 2021 Board Nominees are:
  • Ben Treadwell
  • Bruce Curington
  • Dave Fisk
You can participate in your 2021 Annual Meeting two ways:
  • In person (4011 Triple Crown Drive, Rapid City, SD)
  • Or virtually (a Zoom link will be provided to you)
Members able to join us in person will be treated to a fajita dinner and beverage catered by our friends at Fork Real Cafe.
Please email nikkid@sentinelfcu.org and indicate your choice of in person or virtual attendance as well as the number of members attending by Wednesday, May 19, 2021.
We look forward to seeing you!
